BTYC Rec 10 Activity Day Images are Ready

August 25, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Thanks to everyone involved in the BTYC Gymnastics Recreational 10 Activity Day on 18 August 2019. The two Melbourne Sports Photography team members, Sally and Craig, had a great time photographing the action.

Your images have been edited and are now live on the website. There are digital and print options for you to choose from.

It was a fun event and we see lots of gymnasts with smiles on their faces. There's plenty of smiles on the faces of the coaches too - especially during the funny dance section! Some outstanding efforts!

Parents and guardians, the gallery password is available from BTYC.

Note, the gallery will be open for 3 weeks and closes on 12 September 2019.

If you are interested in turning your images into canvas prints to hang on your wall, we would be happy to help. Please contact Melbourne Sports Photography via the contact page on the website.

Thank you for a fun event. We hope you enjoy the images!

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